Unlocking Green Jobs in Zambia | Construction Industry

In attempt to unlock the green jobs creation potential of Zambia’s building construction industry, the government has set up an initiative called the Zambia Green Jobs Programme. This programme aims to enhance the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises founded on principles of sustainable businesses that balance economic, social and environmental goals.

The Zambia Green Jobs Programme will contribute to the use of green building materials comprising sustainably produced timber during construction as well as endorse energy and water efficiency throughout the operation and maintenance life cycle phase of the buildings or houses in Zambia.

By targeting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises along the entire value chain, the project has set up goals to create at least 5,000 green jobs as well as develop the class of at least 2,000 current jobs in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector, particularly for women and youth entrepreneurs. This will have an awesome effect where incomes are improved for the families directly depending on the building construction sector.

The programme budget amounted to USD12 million over an estimated time period of four years (2013-2017).  The North Western, Copperbelt, Central and Southern Provinces of Zambia are the location targets for local government institutions, financial institutions, business development service providers and associations of small scale contractors with technical support from a consortium of five UN agencies led by the ILO and financial support from the Government of Finland.


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