Africa is home to large off-grid populations

With masses of people living with no connection to their national electric grid, Africa is home to one of the world’s largest off-grid populations.

No wonder so many people in Africa turn to dangerous forms of flame-based lighting. Essentially, producers of low-cost alternative lighting products (LED based and charged through solar) are now presented with the many opportunities of supplying off-grid populations across the African continent with lighting.

I found the image below extremely interesting as it put everything about this article into prospective. See below estimated figures showing the number of households per country that are and are not connected to their national electric grid:

Have you heard of the Lighting Africa initiative? I recently read about it when researching online about electricity stats within Africa. The Lighting Africa initiative aims to address the lighting needs of off-grid populations in Africa by making safe, affordable, durable, and environmentally sustainable lighting available to the masses. Lighting Africa understands that engaging in this emerging market is a challenge to manufacturers that require in-depth market research to design, develop, and deliver products and business models suited to local market needs.

With the market largely untapped by the international lighting industry, African consumers spend an estimated US$10 billion annually on fuel-based lighting. Offering modern lighting products to off-grid populations in Africa (and globally) will activate a change in African lighting standards and result in fundamental progresses to living standards to the people in desperate need of light.

Did you know that a glass covering a paraffin lamp is the most commonly used form of lighting in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania while in Ethiopia most consumers use a paraffin lamp with no cover? 80% of the population in Zambia 80% use candles as their main source of light. These lighting devices cause several concerns and are highly dangerous.


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#flamebasedlighting #lowcostalternativelighting #offgridpopulations

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