CA Global Headhunters talks about the responses on job applications

Applying for jobs has become so easy with today’s development of modern technology, yet it has opened up a whole new set of “rules” for job applicants.  You can at any given moment utilize the hundreds of job portals out there and apply for as many jobs as your heart desires.  However, for the recruiter on the receiving end it means they receive not only 10 (ten) or 20 (twenty) CV’s per job opening but anything from 75 (Seventy) to 200 (Two hundred) applications.

Diane Thake, Group Operations Manager at CA Global has a passion for recruitment and takes on the role of operations, training and human resources. She has 6 years’ experience within the industry and has had great success within the financial recruitment field.

We chat to Diane Thake from The CA Global Group to find out why job applicants do not hear back on each and every job application.

How many CV’s does the average consultant at CA Global receive?

Each consultant within the CA Global Group receives on average between 30 (Thirty) to 100 (Hundred) applicants daily per job opening and work on between 10 (Ten) and 30 (Thirty) jobs at a time.

This means every day recruitment consultants within the CA Global Group receives anything from 300 to 3000 CV’s at a time and in between these applications are people applying for jobs they do not qualify for.

Why do job applicants not hear back on each and every job application?

We are all job seekers at some point in our career and have at some point experienced “no response” on our job applications.

We realize that as a job applicant you get utterly frustrated when you don’t get feedback but taking all the facts into account it isn’t possible to respond and reply to everyone, on every job application especially because our main focus is to find you a job. The reality is recruiters just don’t have the time to get back to all job applicants even though we strive to do so.

What happens to an applicant’s CV when CA Global receives it and you don’t match the specifications of that job opening?

Your CV is loaded onto our internal recruitment database and is accessible to all CA Global Consultants for any future job opportunities.  Before we advertise for any new job openings we will first do an in-depth search of our database, getting in touch with our past applicants.

Our highly advanced database allows consultants to capture even the oldest CV and details on first application.

What other reasons are there, but not limited to why applicants don’t get feedback?

  1. They are not qualified for the position
  2. Their CV’s are not up to scratch
  3. Their CV is different from their online profile

What measures does CA Global take to improve their interaction with job seekers?  

We realize how important job seekers are and as a business we will not exist if it weren’t for applicants seeking new opportunities and trusting us on finding their next career step.

Therefore, CA Global has proactively started putting new interactive platforms in place to stay in touch:


One click for Blogs an Jobs in Africa

Where all of The CA Global Group jobs come together.

Jobs on all things Mining from Exploration to Mine Closure

Oil & Gas at its best. From Downstream to Upstream we have a job for you.

Executive professionals your next job could be waiting for you here.

At CA Engineering we are eager to assist you by providing expert advice on your next career move.

Social Media Platforms


“Make our circile bigger”

WOW our g+ account is perfect for letting candidates from all over the world know about jobs within Africa. So many people who seek jobs have provided us with positive feedback. Our g+ social network uploads so many new and daily job vacancies EVERYDAY!


“Stay professionally connected”

We have just added an interactive career page to CA Global LinkedIn and given all our professionals and career seekers one more reason to follow-us. #ExcitingtTimes

“Like us & be informed”

Like us on facebook and be at the forefront of what is happening across Africa.

“Tweets on all our Jobs all day”

Stay informed of all our jobs in one platform; Twitter.


“Every day industry related Blogs”

Which one suites your career path?

A Blog about Working & Recruiting in Africa

Mining Blog

Blogs on all things mining

Blogs on the Oil & Gas industry

Banking Blog

Blogs on what matters in Banking, Insurance, Finance & Legal


To keep you informed. All we need is your email address and you can be kept informed monthly on any exciting things happening at CA Global

New Interactive Job App (Coming Soon)

Something you are going to wish you had all along

What additional advice can we give career seekers to improve on finding a new job?

  1. Get in touch with CA Global directly, we love to hear from you but don’t become a pest
  2. When applying for a position make sure you meet all the “MUST have” requirements and it is the line with your career path. You don’t want a recruiter to look at your application and ask themselves “Did this applicant even read the job description?”
  3. Make sure you follow the directions when applying
  4. Submit a quality and well-structured CV
  5. Be honest
  6. Don’t apply for each and every job opening. It will not ensure a better response; instead this will just label your CV as spam, minimizing your chances of securing a new job.
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