CA Global Mozambique offers jobs for Lusophone Africa and Payroll Services

CA Global Mozambique offers jobs for Lusophone Africa and Payroll Services



With the year coming to a close soon, the office is abuzz with everyone trying to close deals and prepare for the holiday season. 2015 saw quite a bit of changes happening and there’s one that I have been dying to announce for a while now.

The time has come to announce our new offices in Mozambique!!


We have appointed Mozambican / Portuguese Artur da Costa to head up CA Global Mozambique as the Mozambique Country Director. Artur has over 5 years’ extensive experience within the Mozambican recruitment market as a Recruitment and Regional Operations Manager, so he is definitely the right person for the job.

Artur da Costa_CA Global Mozambique Coutry Director

He is currently based in Maputo, Mozambique, responsible for building relations with our existing and new Lusophone African clientele.

About CA Global Mozambique

CA Global Mozam

CA Global Mozambique is a Mozambican based company that aims to provide companies with a bespoke Recruitment and Payroll Solutions for all employees.

Whether it be locals or expatriates we aim to provide services that ensure complete compliance for your in-country operation.

CA Global Mozambique in conjunction with CA Global Headhunters and through Africa HR Solutions offers the following recruitment services as well as payroll services across all countries in Africa:

  1. Recruitment services (Contractors and permanent staff)
  2. In-country payroll and HR solutions for companies
  3. Expat Payroll Immigration Solutions
  4. “On-boarding” Solutions

Looking for a job?

CA Global Jobs in Africa_

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