Earn R1 million annually: Jobs in South Africa
Looking for high paying jobs in South Africa? Look no further!
Salary comparison and career resource group ,Salary Explorer gathered data to find the 22 jobs in South Africa where employees can earn R1million or more annually. This data was gathered from a combination of user-reported data and salary information from various recruitment agencies, companies and employers. Salary Explorer reports that the average salary in South Africa is R337 000 before taxes – or just over R28 000 a month. The majority of these jobs fall within managerial and executive positions.
Here are the 22 jobs in South Africa where employees can earn over R1m annually:
Monthly income
Annual income
Chief Investment Officer
Executive and Management
R140 400
R1 684 800
Legal Services Director
R129 333
R1 552 000
IT Director
Information Technology
R124 375
R1 492 500
Financial Systems Manager
Information Technology
R120 000
R1 440 000
Surgeon – Neurology
Health and Medical
R120 000
R1 440 000
Senior Sales Executive
Sales Retail and Wholesale
R119 000
R1 428 000
Assistant to CEO
Executive and Management
R117 019
R1 404 229
Corporate Director
Executive and Management
R115 000
R1 380 000
Market Segmentation Director
R108 333
R1 300 000
Top R&D Executive
Business Planning
R108 333
R1 300 000
Executive and Management
R103 125
R1 237 500
Program Director
Information Technology
R100 000
R1 200 000
Finance Executive
Accounting and Finance
R97 500
R1 170 000
Executive Human Capital Management
Human Resources
R95 500
R1 146 000
Managing Director
Executive and Management
R94 712
R1 136 545
Chief Executive Officer
Executive and Management
R90 140
R1 081 683
Project Director
R90 000
R1 080 000
Demand Planning Manager
Purchasing and Inventory
R90 000
R1 080 000
Physician – Anesthesiology
Health and Medical
R88 528
R1 062 336
Senior Electrical Engineer
R88 000
R1 056 000
Chief Financial Officer
Executive and Management
R87 677
R1 052 000
Inventory Manager
Sales Retail and Wholesale
R85 000
R1 020 000
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