Jobs in Africa 2016 – what to expect from CA Global

Jobs in Africa 2016 – what to expect from CA Global 

The best time of the year is arguably the beginning of the New Year. This is the time that most people set goals for the year ahead. Whether you actually achieve the goals, is a different matter altogether. Have you set any goals for 2016 or do you find it difficult to achieve New Year’s resolutions? Personally, I like to constantly set goals of varying importance and achieve them throughout the year, not just at the beginning of the year.

Either way the onset of a new year presents an opportunity to “start afresh” especially if you have had a difficult previous year. This is also the time to apply for that new job you have been eyeing!

For me, 2016 is looking to be pretty exciting! I know that you love hearing about jobs in Africa and rest assured I will be doing my best to bring you closer to landing your dream job in Africa. Here’s what you can expect in the year ahead:


If you don’t know what a vlog is then where have you been?? A vlog is basically a video blog. I will be doing a monthly vlog, starting this month, where I will be doing video presentations and / or interviewing key people to help advise you on finding a job in Africa. I will also be discussing topical issues pertaining to life in Africa and giving you a glimpse of what to expect from the Africa market.

Weekly Quizzes:

I noticed that most of you love having your brain put to the test. On Monday’s I’ll post a brain teaser to ,Facebook and the quickest CORRECT response will be crowned “Brain of the Week”.


Don’t worry, I will continue to write blogs for you. The focus will be on our beloved continent, Africa! Of course! I will be discussing the latest jobs in Africa, recruitment tips for the African market, inter-African trade relations, and other exciting topics. I am also open to topic suggestions.

Guest Blogger:

I am looking for more Guest Bloggers to collaborate with for some of our technical sectors. If you have knowledge of niche sectors in Africa, such as Oil & Gas, Finance, Insurance, Mining, Engineering or HR, etc. and you would like to share your knowledge with my readers in Africa, then send an email to me and we can discuss adding you to the schedule.

This is a wonderful opportunity for an expert writer looking for an African-focused audience.

Jobs in Africa will always be a priority to me and to CA Global! Our websites have been updated with all the latest jobs in Africa from the biggest companies in Africa. What job are you looking for? Browse our Africa job portal to find your dream job for 2016 by clicking ,HERE!

Thank you for reading and please add your comments below.

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Don’t forget to catch me on Twitter: @AfricaPRFowzi

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