Jobs in Africa | What is a Headhunter?

Working in the Africa Jobs space, we often come across situations when calling a potential candidate, where, after introducing ourselves as a “Headhunter”, receiving a confused (or fearful, depending on the definition they have in their mind) response from the Candidate, asking “What’s that”? The cultural diversity of each country in Africa is so phenomenal that we take it for granted that when speaking to someone in English, that they will understand the meaning of the titles we use locally.

What is a Headhunter? (Using CA Global Africa Recruitment as an example)

A Headhunter is a term informally referring to Recruiters or Executive Search Consultants. Headhunters in Africa have come to play a more strategic role for finding the right caliber of staff for companies. Headhunters manage both clients and candidates. If you’re in the market for a new job in Africa (candidate), or if you’re in the market for a top class candidate in Africa, to start at your company (client) a Headhunter will have all the resources at hand to get the right job for you or the right candidate for your company!

Basically, a Headhunter will streamline the process for you. They do research on the Africa Jobs market and will also have access to client staffing details, intricate knowledge of where in Africa; companies are expanding to as well as information about what companies in Africa have skills shortages, etc.

Here’s an example to put you into perspective: A CEO plans to resign from their company and wants to look at job opportunities without anyone knowing. They approach their Headhunter who then tells the CEO about a CEO job in Africa, perhaps Zambia. The CEO thinks the job opportunity in Zambia sounds interesting and he has all the skills so wants the Headhunter to present his profile to the company. The Headhunter then calls the client to highlight the CEO’s skills and discuss interview times.

Unless you have a relationship with all the decision-makers in your sector, like a Headhunter does, you will not be able to market yourself better than what a Headhunter can.

Here are some of the top Headhunters in Africa:

All the Headhunters at CA Global Headhunters have a passion for Africa and developing the continent. They believe in growing candidates’ careers as well as assisting companies achieve their true potential and goals. Staff are fully trained and constantly kept up-to-date with what’s trending in Africa Job markets.

Jobs in Africa IS CA Global Headhunters

Top Headhunters for Jobs in Africa | Banking, Finance, Insurance Sector

  1. B

ryan le Roux ,,(Click the name to see the full profile

  1. Danelle van der Merwe(le Roux) ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  2. Thania Hendricks (Jaffer) ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  3. Diane Thake-Raby ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  4. Monique Steele ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  5. Pandora Delport ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  6. Tereza de a Harpe ,,(Click the name to see the full profile

Top Headhunters for Jobs in Africa | Mining Sector

CA_Mining _Logo

,Vivienne Gower ,(Click the name to see the full profile

  1. Nicky Stubbs ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  2. Leanne Laas ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  3. Tamlyn Schwartz ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  4. Nandi Mthimkhulu ,,(Click the name to see the full profile

Top Headhunters for Jobs in Africa | Engineering Sector


Nico Bezuidenhout ,,(Click the name to see the full profile

  1. Jill Peterson ,,(Click the name to see the full profile

Top Headhunters for Jobs in Africa | Oil & Gas

  1. Eugenio Maggi

,,(Click the name to see the full profile

  1. Zade-Leo Stafford ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  2. Ish Johaardien ,,(Click the name to see the full profile
  3. Ansaar Baderoen ,,(Click the name to see the full profile


A headhunter has something you don’t have: Inside information from the Africa job market and knowledge about job opportunities with clients who are expanding into Africa (or globally) as well as knowledge about jobs that have not even been advertised. A good Headhunter can search for jobs in Africa more efficiently than you can!

#TerezadeaHarpe #OilampGasJobsinAfricaAnsaarBaderoen #EngineeringJobsinAfricaNicoBezuidenhout #Headhunter #AfricaJobs #MiningJobsinAfricaVivienneGower #BryanleRoux #MoniqueSteele #NicoBezuidenhout #HydropowerJobsinAfricaJillPeterson #MiningJobsinAfricaTamlynSchwartz #AfricaRecruitment #RecruitmentFirminAfrica #jobsinAfrica #ZadeLeoStafford #OilampGasJobsinAfricaIshJohaardien #RenewableEnergyJobsinAfricaJillPeterson #LeanneLaas #TopHeadhuntersinAfrica #EngineeringJobsinAfricaJillPeterson #MiningJobsinAfricaNickyStubbs #HeadhunterinAfrica #RecruitmentinAfrica #MiningJobsinAfricaLeanneLaas #FinanceJobsinAfricaTerezadeaHarpe #FinanceJobsinAfricaBryanleRoux #FinanceJobsinAfricaMoniqueSteele #DanellevanderMerweleRoux #AnsaarBaderoen #VivienneGower #ThaniaHendricksJaffer #TamlynSchwartz #MiningJobsinAfricaNandiMthimkhulu #NickyStubbs #IshJohaardien #DianeThakeRaby #CAGlobalHeadhunters #RenewableEnergyJobsinAfricaNicoBezuidenhout #HydropowerJobsinAfricaNicoBezuidenhout #BankingJobsinAfricaDanellevanderMerweleRoux #AfricaRecruitmentFirm #FinanceJobsinAfricaPandoraDelport #OilampGasJobsinAfricaZadeLeoStafford #InsuranceJobsinAfricaThaniaHendricksJaffer #OilampGasJobsinAfricaEugenioMaggi #CEOJobsinAfrica #EugenioMaggi #PandoraDelport #NandiMthimkhulu #FinanceJobsinAfricaDianeThakeRaby #JillPeterson

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