Jobs, Recruitment and Payroll services for NGO’s in Africa
Jobs, Recruitment and Payroll services for NGO’s in Africa
Did you know that ,CA Global, offers specialised recruitment services to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and Medical Institutions throughout Africa?
NGO’s are grassroots organisations that form part of the social fabric of communities with vital expertise in the interpersonal relations as well as caring relationships in people’s everyday lives.
,CA Global, has a vested interested in Africa and an understanding of the unique African business culture. Our staff is made up of qualified Recruiters and Headhunters who promise to deliver quality candidates. You will benefit from ,CA Global’s, market-leading professionalism, unrivalled NGO sector knowledge and tailor-made client services.
Services we offer NGO’s in Africa
- Tailored Recruitment packages available
- Payroll services across Africa
- The provision of interim management staff
- Payrolling services and talent mapping
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) division
CA Global offers staffing solutions across 42 African countries. We will definitely be able to assist you with your particular needs in Africa.
Types of jobs we assist clients with
We assist the various NGO’s with positions from junior management up to C-Level Executives including Board Level positions. We cover all sectors and disciplines across Finance, IT, Operations, Medical, HR, Marketing etc. and offer tailored recruitment solutions.
What is a non-governmental organization (NGO)?
It seems to be self-explanatory enough but due to the term “NGO’s” not used consistently across countries in Africa, we find that it is often difficult to define. For example in some countries, the term NGO is used whilst in other countries it is called an NPO (non-profit organization).
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is essentially a not-for-profit organization that acts independently from governmental organisations. It can be run in 2 ways:
- Funded by donations
- Run by the efforts of volunteers
NGOs are highly diverse groups of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of the world. We pride ourselves in providing recruitment and payroll services to NGO’s across Africa.
,,,Click ,here to search for NGO jobs in Africa
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