Zimbabwe offers excellent investment returns

A couple of years back, Zimbabwe (along with Nigeria and Kenya) was ranked as one of the top 3 African countries that offer the best investment returns between 2012 and 2016.

Nigeria, Kenya and Zimbabwe were chosen as countries offering excellent investment returns predominantly based on agricultural resources, mineral resources and human capital.

The research conducted for these results involved interviewing 158 institutions among them pension funds, hedge funds and private banks. Results revealed that the prevailing stable macro-economic environment would attract more investors, while the mining and agricultural sectors would draw the largest chunk of investors.

Zimbabwe is gradually evolving from many years of economic crisis induced by sanctions that some Western countries imposed as reprisal for implementing agricultural reforms. The sanctions saw a reduction in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) resulting in reduced industrial capacity and near collapse of almost all sectors of the economy.

This prompted government to introduce a policy which is beginning to bear fruits as evidenced by the huge investments that Asian conglomerates are making in the country. African countries ranked as offering the least investment returns up to 2016 are Swaziland, Equatorial Guinea, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Benin and Niger.


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