Hydropower jobs in Africa

Yesterday we discussed the most important and widely-used renewable source of energy – Hydropower. Being in the midst of a country that is rife with unpredictable load shedding schedules, the man on the street is aflutter with talks on alternative power solutions and its accessibility. We discussed Hydropower as a source of energy and we also covered what Hydropower is and how it works.

The Hydropower topics we covered were:

How Hydropower works

How electricity is generated

Hydro-electric Dams

How energy is converted

Hydropower: Turbines and Generators

Hydropower: The location of the turbine

Of course, I had to research the topic greatly, given that I am not specifically from a Hydropower career background; but if you are someone who knows much about Hydropower and the technical mechanics of Hydropower, please read the article and share what you know about the topic, with us. You can find the article ,,,HERE.

My philosophy on knowledge is that sharing the little we know about any given topic, creates a more educated community, so I do implore you to educate us.

Hydropower jobs in Africa

With Hydropower being a growing phenomenon in Africa, there is the need for skilled people to man these systems. There are a few jobs in Africa available for people who come from a Hydropower background, with some of ,CA Global’s clients in the Engineering / Power Gen sector.

The company focuses on finding candidates in Africa, who have very scarce skills and with the ability to handle the type of equipment required by clients. In the case of clients looking for candidates with a Hydropower background, we only send candidates with the Hydropower background!

If you are looking for jobs in Hydropower then please visit our ,,Hydropower Job Board in Africa

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Thank you for reading

Don’t forget to share your knowledge on Hydropower ,,HERE

Come find me on Twitter: ,@AfricaPRFowzi

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