Let your expat job search in Congo start here: Pointe Noire is waiting…

Recruitment, jobs and payroll in Pointe Noire

What do you know about working in Congo? Here’s what we love about Congo: Congo is a beautiful country with great ,job opportunities, as well as mineral-rich land. The country has substantial oil reserves, vast natural forests and extensive arable land. It is also strategically positioned in Central Africa, possessing a deep-water port in Pointe-Noire that could benefit the entire sub-region. [,Source: Congo – World bank]

Congo Economy:

According to the World Bank, economic growth is expected to remain moderate, with a projected annual average growth rate of 3% over the 2016-2018 period. This growth is expected to be driven by the extractive sectors, as a strong increase in oil production is expected.  [,,Source: Congo World Bank]

World Bank – Congo Country Partnership Strategy 2016

The aim of the ,,,Country Partnership Strategy for 2013-2016 is to help the government diversify its economy by reducing its dependence on oil, promoting private sector-led growth, creating jobs, and boosting the performance of basic public services (health and education). [,Source: Congo – World Bank]

Did you know that expats working in Congo have great earning potential?

Have you been struggling to find work in Congo or don’t know how to get staff willing to work in Congo? Here’s how to find work in Congo and staff in Congo. We have Recruitment and Payroll in options now available in Congo.

Looking for staff in Congo but don’t have a legal entity there yet?

Africa HR Congo will hire the local or expatriate employee on your behalf in Congo (or any other African country) of assignment.

How Africa HR Congo will assist you:

  1. Local employment contract
  2. The registration of the employee
  3. The full payroll function
  4. The statutory deductions and
  5. If required, the processing of visas

This is called ,employment outsourcing which is an easy way to hire employees in other countries where you do not have a legal entity, or where you are not allowed to hire people. [,Further reading: Welcome to Africa HR Congo]

,Africa HR Congo will hire the local or expatriate employee on your behalf in the country of assignment. It includes a local employment contract, the registration of the employee, the payroll, the statutory deductions and the processing of visas if required.

Find a job in Congo

Our recruitment expertise is not only Congo, but the greater Africa! Now we’re able to assist you at a local level in Congo. If you’re in Congo and ,,looking for a job in Congo or anywhere else in Africa, our staff will be able to assist you with finding a job.

Do you work in Congo? Tell us about your experience in Congo.

#CAGlobalCongo #Congostatutorydeductions #workinginCongo #howtogetstaffwillingtoworkinCongo #CongoPayroll #WorldBankCongo #WorkinCongo #Congooilreserves #expatjobsearchinCongo #CongoRecruitment #PointeNoire #CongoEconomy #strugglingtofindworkinCongo #CongoVisa #CongoExpatSalary #AfricaHRCongo #ThefullpayrollfunctioninCongo #CongoCountryPartnershipStrategy2016 #JobsinPointeNoire #FindajobinCongo #RecruitmentandPayrollinCongo #Congoemploymentoutsourcing

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